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Disconnected "Gold Medal outside the Arena": A History of the Development of the Information System for Seoul Olympic Games  

SHIN, Hyang-Suk (전북대학교 한국과학문명학연구소)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.19, no.2, 2019 , pp. 207-249 More about this Journal
This study aims to show the dynamics behind official historical descriptions, tracking the development of information system for Seoul Olympic Games. Shortly after the decision was made to host the Seoul Olympics, the South Korean government planned to import a computer system used in the previous Olympics. In response, scientists at Electronic Data Processing Center of KAIST put much effort into persuading the authorities to take the initiative in their own development, and they had to prove their capabilities by developing a computer system that worked safely in the National Sports Festival. With the development of the Olympic information system taking shape, various disputes arose among the host ministries, participating organizations and researchers. As a result, the end product resulted in a modularity of four different systems developed by different agencies, rather than a single system. For this reason, no organization claimed ownership or directly inherited the technical performance of the Olympic computer system, although it was praised as a "gold medal outside the arena." Nevertheless, the technology, hardware and manpower accumulated during the development process have since spread to various areas, laying the groundwork for the development of South Korea's information and communication technology.
Seoul Olympic Games; Olympic information system; Electronic Data Processing Center of KAIST; ICT(information and communication technology);
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  • Reference
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