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AlphaGo Case Study: On the Social Nature of Artificial Intelligence  

Kim, Ji Yeon (고려대학교)
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Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.17, no.1, 2017 , pp. 5-39 More about this Journal
In March 2016, the computer Go program, AlphaGo, defeated Sedol Lee, a Korean professional Go player of 9-dan rank. This victory by AlphaGo shows the rise in popularity of artificial intelligence (AI). Not only was this game a testament to machine performance, it was the type of game that extended the Turing test. When the interrogator cannot differentiate between human being and machine, the machine has passed the test. This article examines the interactions between AI and human beings and studies the social nature of intelligence through the AlphaGo case. Collins insists that knowledge or intelligence is social and embodied, and the interrogators in the Turing test can identify the difference between native members and non-members through their knowledge only. Applying this concept, AlphaGo, as subject A of this test, fulfilled its role of stirring up the classical "truth of human." Meanwhile, Lee as subject B, played to speak the truth by revealing his own qualities. Here, it is also important role that interrogators judge what it is. Many spectators, as interrogators, have intervened to confirm the border between human beings and machines by using their embodied and social knowledge.
AlphaGo; Artificial Intelligence; Lee Sedol; Turing Test; Human Interrogator; Citizen Science;
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