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A Survey on the Public Awareness of the Bioinformation Utilization  

Choi, Kyujin (인하대학교 의학전문대학원)
Kim, Byoungsoo (동국대학교 다르마칼리지)
Oh, Byoung-il (정보인권연구소)
Chang, Yeo-Kyung (진보네트워크센터)
Lee, Eun-woo (법무법인 지향)
Byeon, Hyejin (건강과대안)
Lee, Sangyun (건강과대안)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.17, no.1, 2017 , pp. 117-144 More about this Journal
In Korea, currently, only the growth possibility of bioinformation industry has received the public attention, and social discussion on bioinformation management is meager. Based on this critical perspective, this study investigates the current status of public awareness of the bioinformation which can be a basis for the social discussion for bioinformation management. The most significant characteristics identified in the survey is that many citizens, while expressing their agreement on the use of biometric technology by purpose and taking an open stance on national fingerprint information collection, have considerable concern for the identity authentication system using the current biometric technology. In particular, the survey pointed out that it is hard to trust the institutions that collect the bioinformation. Also, the public expressed the particular concern for the health data including the body information and showed overwhelming consent for the necessity of more stringent regulation compared with other personal information. In regards to the medical information gathered from medical institutions, nearly 80% of the survey respondents did not agree on providing the information to commercial enterprises, and even 60% of them disagreed on using it for academic and statistical research. This result well demonstrates that thorough management of the bioinformation is required for its utilization.
bio-information; biometric information; health information(data concerning health); medical information;
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  • Reference
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