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A Reflection on Korean MERS Crisis in 2015: Socio-Medical Approach  

Kim, MunCho (고려대학교)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.16, no.1, 2016 , pp. 5-22 More about this Journal
MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), an acute and infectious viral disease with high fatality sneaked in South Korea in May 2016. Although MERS is officially declared to be exterminated in Korea by the date of December 24, it aroused a great panic throughout the country and remained many tasks requiring sincere deliberations and innovative actions. This study starts to summarize all that had been happening during first 7 months since last May, reconsider the whole process in light of disaster paradigm, analyze the causes and tasks of such turmoil under the framework of social medicine. It is wrapped up with the visions and prospect of the social medicine, an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account the expert knowledge of academia, administrative knowledge of government, media knowledge from traditional/new media and lay knowledge of civil society.
MERS; medical; disaster; panic; social medicine; Korea;
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