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Toward Science for Better Society: The Present and Implications of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)  

Bak, Hee-Je (경희대학교 사회학과)
Seong, Ji Eun (과학기술정책연구원)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.15, no.2, 2015 , pp. 99-133 More about this Journal
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a concept emerging rapidly as a theoretical and methodological framework to shape science for better society, instead of merely for economic growth. While the responsibility of science usually means ethics of researchers in the process of research, RRI extends the concept of the responsibility by claiming that researchers should be responsible for the purpose and outcome of research as well. In addition, RRI proposes four interconnected concepts of anticipation, reflectivity, deliberativeness/inclusiveness, and responsibility as a methodological framework to achieve these tasks. However, RRI is not merely a theoretical concept but has been already practiced at many levels in real world. We discuss how RRI has been practiced and played important roles in reflecting on research and innovation policies in the past and guiding new policies by examining two research projects, STIR and SPICE, and three national R&D programs, EPSRC's embracement of RRI in the Britain, MVI in the Netherlands, and R&D for social problem-solving in Korea.
Responsible Research and Innovation; technology assessment; R&D policy; innovation policy; RRI;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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