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New Interpretation of Innovation Policy with Lenses of Societal Innovation Policy  

Song, Wichin (과학기술정책연구원 사회기술혁신연구단)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.15, no.2, 2015 , pp. 135-162 More about this Journal
The purpose of this article is to reinterpret the existing innovation policy with 'the societal innovation policy' framework. It is looking into characteristics of societal innovation policy and the prospects for socio-technical systems transition and citizen participation are discussed. After the discussion, new interpretation of innovation policy elements will be dealt with lenses of societal innovation policy. It sheds new light on the key elements of innovation policy, such as Innovation policy governance, industrial innovation policy, regional innovation policy, and infrastructure policy and suggests direction of policy improvements from societal innovation policy perspectives. This will be an opportunity to reinterpret the existing innovation policy measures and to approach to science technology innovation policy for system transition with participatory perspective.
Societal Innovation Policy; Reinterpretation; Governance; Industrial Innovation Policy; Regional Innovation Policy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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