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Changes in citizens' trust about '4 Rivers Project' and the Prospect of the Scientific-Tecnnological Citizenship  

Jeong, Taeseok (전북대학교 일반사회교육과)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.15, no.1, 2015 , pp. 69-107 More about this Journal
In this article, I try to understand the changing patterns of 'politics of expertise' by looking at the change of the citizens' opinion on '4 Rivers Project', particularly the change of citizens' trust in expert, through data analysis on 'Citizen Opinion Survey on Science and Technology'. Findings are as follows: The reliability of government and the pros side experts downed, on the other hand, the reliability of the opposite side experts and environmental groups have maintained or slightly increased. This shows the fact that '4 Rivers Project' is the field of political confrontation surrounding the expertise. The government decision-making process on '4 Rivers Project' can be examined from the perspective of 'the politics of expertise', in the sense that the process is related to the utilization of scientific and technological expertise-power surrounding the project feasibility. The facts that citizens are interested in scientific-technological and ecological issues which are largely affected by expertise, and they think that the 4 Rivers Project affects the their daily lives, are the result of rising 'scientific-technological citizenship'.
4 Rivers project; Environmental consciousness; Civic participation; Trust in experts; Politics of expertise; Expert knowledge-power; Scientific-technological citizenship;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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