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Methodological Review of Research Literature on the Expertise of Science Teachers  

Oh, Phil-Seok (Gyeongin National University of Education)
Lee, Sun-Kyung (Seoul National University)
Lee, Gyoung-Ho (Seoul National University)
Kim, Chan-Jong (Seoul National University)
Kim, Heui-Baik (Seoul National University)
Jeon, Chan-Hee (Seoul National University)
Oh, Se-Dug (Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education / v.28, no.1, 2008 , pp. 47-66 More about this Journal
This is a qualitative review of research literature on the expertise of science teachers. The study first identified a common point of view which the relevant literature shared about teacher expertise. Research methods employed in previous studies were then categorized into four groups, and the characteristics of each group of research methods were discussed. The groups of research methods included uses of questionnaires and interviews, visual representations, classroom observations and discourse analyses, and narrative inquiry. The study finally suggested what aspects of science teachers' expertise should be considered and what sorts of research methods could be employed for future research in this area.
science teacher; teacher expertise; research method; narrative inquiry;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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