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A Study on the Prediction Method of Voice Phishing Damage Using Big Data and FDS  

Lee, Seoungyong (경기대학교 일반대학원 경호보안학과)
Lee, Julak (중앙대학교 산업보안학과)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.62, 2020 , pp. 185-203 More about this Journal
While overall crime has been on the decline since 2009, voice phishing has rather been on the rise. The government and academia have presented various measures and conducted research to eradicate it, but it is not enough to catch up with evolving voice phishing. In the study, researchers focused on catching criminals and preventing damage from voice phishing, which is difficult to recover from. In particular, a voice phishing prediction method using the Fraud Detection System (FDS), which is being used to detect financial fraud, was studied based on the fact that the victim engaged in financial transaction activities (such as account transfers). As a result, it was conceptually derived to combine big data such as call details, messenger details, abnormal accounts, voice phishing type and 112 report related to voice phishing in machine learning-based Fraud Detection System(FDS). In this study, the research focused mainly on government measures and literature research on the use of big data. However, limitations in data collection and security concerns in FDS have not provided a specific model. However, it is meaningful that the concept of voice phishing responses that converge FDS with the types of data needed for machine learning was presented for the first time in the absence of prior research. Based on this research, it is hoped that 'Voice Phishing Damage Prediction System' will be developed to prevent damage from voice phishing.
Voice Phishing; Big Data; Machine Learning; Fraud Detection System; Fds;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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