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The Effect of Organizational Justice on the Organizational Commitment of Police Investigators - Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Trust of Supervisors -  

Han, Jin-Tae (동국대학교 일반대학원 경찰행정학과)
Kwack, Dae-Gyung (동국대학교 경찰사법대학)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.62, 2020 , pp. 159-183 More about this Journal
The court in Korea values evidence justice, and also demands justification for the process of collecting evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the level of organizational commitment, which means that the police investigators performing these tasks feel attached to the police organization they belong to, and that they feel united about the goals of the organization. Based on this recognition, the study analyzed the effects of the police's perception of organizational Justice on organizational commitment, and classified organizational Justice into distributive Justice, procedure Justice and interaction Justice. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of the police's perception of organizational Justice on organizational commitment and verifies the effect through multiple regression analysis by injecting the trust of Supervisors into a mediating variable. The study was also conducted on the assumption that the trust of Supervisors is important in carrying out the field investigators work in the South Korean police. To achieve the purpose of this research, a total of three surveys were conducted from May 2017 to October 2019 at the National Police Agency using the selection process of investigators and job training courses for the national police, and a total of 500 copies were used as analysis data. Looking at the results analysis of this study, first, it was found that there was a statistically significant static (+) effect on organizational commitment, where the organizational Justice of police officers was a independent variable. Second, the relationship between organizational Justice and organizational commitment has shown that the trust of Supervisors has a mediating effect in korean police organization.
Police Investigators; Organizational Justice; Trust of Supervisors; Organizational Commitment; Crime Investigation;
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