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The Relationship between Released Offenders' Psychological Characteristics and Community Adaptation  

Kim, Kyung-A (동국대학교 경찰사법대학원)
Lee, Chang-Bae (동국대학교 경찰행정학부)
Gong, Jung-Sik (경기대학교 산학협력단)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.62, 2020 , pp. 113-134 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to examine the influence of the psychological health of the released offenders on their adaptation to community. Researchers analyzed the survey data of 216 participants who received joint marriage support from the Korea Legal Protection and Welfare Corporation. The results showed that the education level, marriage status, and monthly income were having a positive influence on the community adaptation of the released offenders, and the higher the depression and inter-personality among the risk factors of psychological health, the more negative the community adaptation. A higher sense of self-esteem, a psychological health protection factor, has a positive effect on community adaptation while reducing the influence of risk factors, depression and inter-personality. In sum, high self-esteem can contribute to increasing social life satisfaction after release from prison, promote risk factors to positive life changes, suppress negative situations and increase the possibility of successful community adaptation. Although this study confirmed that self-esteem is the most important factor among psychological factors for successful community adaptation of inmates, it will require relevant follow-up research and multi-disciplinary support because psychological factors alone cannot solve the problem.
Prisoner; Psychological health; Community adaptation; Risk factors; Protective factors;
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