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A Study on the Causes of Elderly Crime and Its Countermeasures in the Transition of Elderly Society  

Yang, Jae Yeol (한세대학교 특별사법경찰연구소)
Kim, Sang Su (연세대학교 행정대학원)
Lee, Ju Yeon (BS 제작본부)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.61, 2019 , pp. 307-332 More about this Journal
Recently, our society has been changing its population structure due to low birth rate along with the extension of life span due to the development of medical environment and improvement of living environment. It was not long before the population became older, and the problem of the elderly was amplified by generational conflict. The current generation of senior citizens could not afford to prepare for their own retirement income due to their children's education, marriage and housing problems, and is a generation alienated from the benefits of public income security. In addition, not only are they in poverty with rapid industrialization, informatization and economic instability, but they are also threatened with livelihood. The increase in elderly crimes arising from the elderly, who are less adaptable to our society dominated by materialism, is being highlighted as a new social issue. In this study, we are going to analyze the causes of violent and violent senior citizens' crimes in quality along with quantitative growth, and present criminal situations and preventive measures using 10 years of data, judging that this is a time when a national response is needed through a social discussion on crimes committed by senior citizens in our society, where the pace of aging is unprecedentedly fast in the world In order to achieve this research objective, various opinions and statistical data of our society where the standards of senior citizens are changing were reviewed, and analysis of crimes was conducted on literature utilizing data of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, the National Police Agency, and the National Statistical Office, recent press releases, and existing research materials. In this study, we will diagnose crimes committed by senior citizens in various aspects, including the characteristics of the elderly and the view of the elderly in the present society, and explore the direction of development for the prevention of future crimes as well.
Senile crime; Low birth rate; Post-aged society; Social conflict; Exchange theory;
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  • Reference
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