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Reliability of Quantitative Sensory Testing Using Current Perception Thresholds in the Mandibular Nerve Area  

Choi, Hee-Hun (Department of Oral Medicine and Institute of Dental Science, School of Dentistry, Dankook University)
Kim, Mee-Eun (Department of Oral Medicine and Institute of Dental Science, School of Dentistry, Dankook University)
Kim, Ki-Suk (Department of Oral Medicine and Institute of Dental Science, School of Dentistry, Dankook University)
Publication Information
Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain / v.36, no.2, 2011 , pp. 131-137 More about this Journal
Current Perception Threshold (CPT) using Neurometer($Neurometer^{(R)}$ CPT/C) is thought as one of easy and noninvasive QST(qunatitative sensory testing) tools for A${\beta}$, A${\delta}$ and C fibers within a relatively short time. However, conflicts about its reliability still exist. This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of CPTs evaluation and find a way to increase its reliability. Two examiners separately tested CPTs at each side of the mandibluar nerve areas for ten healthy male adults (average age of 22.4 years) three times with an intervals of a week during three weeks. Mean CPTs were compared between the right and left sides of the mandibular nerve area and between the three examinations on the each side. While CPTs at 2000 Hz(A${\beta}$ fiber) showed statistically significant side differences in all three examinations (p<0.05), significant side difference was found in only one examination at 250 Hz(A${\delta}$ fiber) and no difference at 5 Hz(C fiber). Comparing CPTs on the each side of the mandibular nerve area, all examinations at all sensory nerve fibers showed the least CPTs at the 1st examinations. CPTs at 250 Hz(A${\delta}$ fiber) and 5 Hz(C fiber) were significantly different between the first and the following examinations (p<0.05) and there was no significant difference between 2nd and 3rd examinations. The results of this study indicated that CPTs at 250 Hz(A${\delta}$ fiber) and 5 Hz(C fiber) are reliable but CPTs at 2000 Hz(A${\beta}$ fiber) is not appropriate for evaluation of side differences in the mandibular nerve area. In addition, it is suggested that repeated examination be helpful to increase reliability of the CPT evaluation.
quantitative sensory testing(QST); mandibular nerve; Neurometer; current perception threshold(CPT); reliability;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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