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Effects of Occlusal Condition and Clenching Force on the Mandibular Torque Rotational Movement  

Oh, Min-Jung (Dept. of Oral Medicine, Wonkwang University School of Dentistry, and Wonkwang Dental Research Institute)
Han, Kyung-Soo (Dept. of Oral Medicine, Wonkwang University School of Dentistry, and Wonkwang Dental Research Institute)
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Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain / v.30, no.4, 2005 , pp. 411-426 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of occlusal condition and clenching level on the mandibular torque rotational movement. For this study, healthy 14 men without any symptoms and signs of temporomandibular disorders were selected. Mandibular torque rotational movement was observed in each circumstance of combination of three occlusal conditions such as natural dentition, with wafer of 3.6 mm thickness, and wafer with resin stop of 14 mm thickness total during hard biting of bite stick at maximum voluntary contraction(MVC) and 50% of MVC level of surface EMG activity of masseter muscle. Electromyographic activity and mandibular torque rotational movement were observed using BioEMG and BioEGN in $BioPak^{(R)}$ system. Each biting movement in each circumstance was composed of clenching one time and hard biting of wooden stick two times. The observed items were opening distance, velocity and amount of torque rotational movement in mandibular movement, and the data were statistically processed with $SPSS^{(R)}$ windows (ver.10.0). The results of this study were as follows: 1. There were no differences in the mandibular movement distance between those value in both biting sides, and between those in both clenching forces, but the mandibular velocity showed a different results by clenching force. For the amount of torque rotational movement, there were no difference in the value of the frontal plane but some significant difference was in the value of the horizontal plane by biting side. 2. The mandibular movement distance and the mandibular velocity in both planes were higher by maximum voluntary contraction than those by half maximum voluntary contraction, and amount of torque rotational movement in the horizontal plane was also increased by maximum voluntary contraction. 3. The opening distance in both planes were decreased with the increase of vertical dimension of occlusion, namely, by the occlusal appliances, and this pattern was also showed in the mandibular velocity in case of hard biting by maximum voluntary contraction. However, the amount of torque rotational movement were not different by the increase of vertical dimension of occlusion. 4. The value of angle and distance of the torque rotational movement in the hard biting of wooden stick were generally higher than those in the clenching without wooden stick in both planes without regard to occlusal conditions and/or clenching forces.
Clenching; Hard biting; Mandibular torque rotational movement;
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