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The Effect of Heat Therapy on Cutaneous Blood Flow and Skin Temperature at Pre-auricular Region  

Kim, Su-Beom (Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Kangnung National University)
Kim, Young-Jun (Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Kangnung National University)
Kim, Cheul (Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Kangnung National University)
Park, Moon-Soo (Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Kangnung National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain / v.30, no.4, 2005 , pp. 401-410 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of heat therapy on cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature at pre-auricular region. Moist heat therapy and ultrasound therapy were applied to 20 healthy subjects(male: 10, female: 10). Cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature before and after heat therapy were measured with laser doppler flowmetry and thermocouple. The results were as follows ; 1. Cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature were significantly increased after moist heat therapy and ultrasound therapy. 2. In application of moist heat therapy, cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature were more increased and maintained longer than in ultrasound therapy. 3. Before heat therapy, cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature were higher in male. 4. There was no significant gender difference in changes of cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature after heat therapy. In conclusion, both moist heat therapy and ultrasound therapy increased cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature significantly, and moist heat therapy was more effective to increase cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature and to maintain increased cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature. There was no significant gender difference in the effect of heat therapy on cutaneous blood flow and skin temperature.
Cutaneous blood flow; Heat therapy; Moist heat; Pre-auricular region; Skin temperature; Ultrasound;
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