1 |
Fatigue strength of the Joint between Diaphragmes and Longitudinal Ribs in Box Section Girders
Chitoshi MIKI;Kazuo TATEISHI
] /
2 |
Bending and Torsional Design in Structural Members
Heins, C.P.
] /
3 |
Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis
Bannantine, Julie A.;Comer, Jess J.;Handrock, James L.
] /
4 |
Fatigue of Steel Bridge
] /
5 |
Analysis and Design of Curved Steel Bridges
Hiroshi NAKAI;You, Chai-Hong
] /
6 |
Theory of elasticity
Timoshenko, S.P.;Goodier, J.N.
] /
7 |
Fatigue Strength of Oneside Joint with Backing Strip
Lee, Dong-Uk;Kohsuke HORIKAWA
] /
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
8 |
Quantitative Assessment of Root Shape on Fatigue Strength of Welded Joint with Backing Strip
Lee, Dong-Uk;Kohsuke HORIKAWA;Yoshiaki Arata
] /
Japan Welding Society
9 |
Fatigue and Fracture in Steel Bridges-case studies
Fisher, J.W.
] /
10 |
Theory of thin-walled curved member with shear deformation
Kano, T.;Usuki, S.;Hasele, K.
] /
11 |
Orthotropic Bridges-Theory and Design
Troitsky, M.S.
] /
12 |
Full-scale Fatigue Test of the Williamsburg Bridge Orthotropic Deck
Fisher, F.W.
] /
ASCE Structures Congress, Chicago, IL, Proceedings
13 |
Fundamental Study on Improvement of Fatigue Strength of Welded Joint Trough Rib for Bridge Deck Plate
Lee, Dong-Uk
] /
14 |
Mechanics of elasticity structure
Orden, J.T.;Ripperger, E.A.
] /
15 |
Structural Performance Study by Truck Loading on a Full-scale Test Specimen of Orthortopic Steel Deck with Thickened Deck Plate and Large Size Trough Ribs
Harukazu OHASHI;Chitoshi MIKI;Naoki YANADORI;Shuichi ONO
] /
16 |
The Fatigue behavior of Trapezoidal Stiffener to Deck Plate Welds in Orthotropic Bridge Deck, Department of the Environment, Supplement Report96 UC : Crownthorne
Maddox, S.J.
] /
17 |
Fractograghic Atlas of Steel Weldments
Japan Weling Society
] /