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A Study on a Method to Use Industrial and Technical Information in Process of R&D Project Planning  

Kim, Yong (Library and Information Science, Chonbuk National University)
Han, Hee-Jung (Library and Information Science, Chonbuk National University)
Lee, Kyun-Hyung (Mass Communication, Chonbuk National University)
Lee, Yoon-Seok (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
An, Seung-Kwon (Dept. of Entrepreneurship, Chung Ang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Information Management / v.43, no.4, 2012 , pp. 69-96 More about this Journal
Based on analysis of trend and development of industrial and technical information such as patents and scientific data, using industrial and technical information in the process of planning can be a important factor to reduce budget and opportunity cost. This study aims to investigate needs to collect and analyze industrial and technical information in planning of R&D project. To do it, this study examines definitions, needs and types of industrial and technical information for planning of R&D project. And then this study investigates the importance of use of industrial and technical information in the process of planning of R&D and performs case study in domestic and foreign countries. Lastly, this study investigates a method to analyze industrial and technical information for R&D planning and proposes the role of a library for R&D planning.
R&D Planning; Industrial and Technical Information; Analytic Technique; Research Data; Patent Information;
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  • Reference
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