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Analysis of the behavior on the radiation safety management for dental hygienists  

Jun, Sung-Hee (Department of Dental Hygiene, Daegu Health College)
Han, Eun-Ok (Department of Radiologic Technology, Daegu Health College)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health / v.32, no.3, 2008 , pp. 363-375 More about this Journal
Objectives: This study analyzed behaviors in radiation safety management for dental hygienists who performs radiographic works in dental offices focused on general radiation safety management, radiation safety management for themselves, and radiation safety management for patients and patients' family in order to plan an intervention strategy that improves a behavior level in radiation safety management of dental hygienists. Methods: This study performed a survey on such an issue from June 15, 2008 for 217 dental hygienists who worked at general hospitals, dental offices, and dental clinics in Daegu and Gyungbuk areas. Results: The survey can be summarized as follows: 1. The average scores in the behavior of the general radiation safety management, radiation safety management for themselves, and radiation safety management for patients and patients' family were 59.17±16.11, 55.56±17.72, and 64.79±17.48, respectively. 2. ‘A protection device should be used in case of which applies radiation for a pregnant patient’ showed the highest behavior score of 78.60±23.84. ‘I check radiation exposures measured by using a personal dosimeter for every month or quarter year’ represented the lowest behavior score of 48.24±25.32. 3. In the behavior level of the general radiation safety management, ‘a case that participates radiation safety management education’, ‘a case that establishes protection facilities’ and ‘a case that presents radiological technologists’ showed high values. Also, in the behavior level of the radiation safety management for themselves, ‘a case that shows high careers in dental hygienist or radiographic’, ‘a case that establishes protection facilities’, ‘a case that is in general hospitals or dental clinics’ showed high values. In the behavior level of the radiation safety management for patients and patients' family, ‘a case that represents old age’, ‘a case that shows high careers in dental hygienist or radiographic’, and ‘a case that establishes protection facilities’ showed high values. Conclusion: The factors that affect the behavior score for radiation safety management were presented in the order of knowledge, self-efficacy, and attitude.
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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