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사물인터넷 보안 표준화 동향  

Kim, Yeong-Gap (세종대학교)
Hwang, In-Tae (세종대학교)
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Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
1 ITU-T, "Semantics based requirements and framework of the Internet of things", Y.4111/Y.2076, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2016.
2 ITU-T, "Requirements of the plug and play capability of the Internet of things", Y.4112/Y.2077, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2016.
3 ITU-T, "Application support models of the Internet of Things", Y.4552/Y.2078, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2016.
4 ITU-T, "Requirements of smartphone as sink node for IoT applications and services", Y.4553, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2016.
5 ITU-T, "Common requirements and capabilities of device management in the Internet of things", Y.4702, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2016.
6 N. Kushalnagar, G. Montenegro, C. Schumacher, "IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs) : Overview, Assumption, Problem Statement, and Goals" RFC 4919, IETF, 2007.
7 E. Kim, D. Kaspar, C. Gomez, C. Bormann "Problem Statement and Requirements for IPv6 over Low- Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) Routing" RFC 6606, IETF, 2012
8 C. Bormann, M. Ersue, A. Keranen, "Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks" RFC 7228, IETF, 2014
9 Z. Shelby, K. Hartke, "The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)" RFC7252, IETF, 2014
10 ITU-T, "Capability framework for e-health monitoring services", Y.2075, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2015.
11 J. Schoenwaelder, A. Sehgal, T. Tsou, C. Zhou, "Definition of Managed Objects for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN)" RFC7388, IETF, 2014
12 T. Watteyne, M. Palattella, L. Grieco, "Using IEEE 802.15.4e Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) in the Internet of Things (IoT): Problem Statement", RFC7554, IETF, 2015.
13 K. Hartke, "Observing Resources in the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC7641, IETF, 2015.
14 OneM2M, "Security Solutions", TS-0003 ed. 2.4.1, OneM2M, 2016.
15 J. Jimenez, J. Lopez-Vega, J. Maenpaa, G. Camarillo, "A Constrained Application protocol (CoAP) Usage for Resource Location And Discovery (RELOAD)", RFC7650, IETF, 2015.
16 OneM2M, "Functional Architecture", TS-0001 ed. 2.10.0, OneM2M, 2016.
17 OneM2M, "Requirements", TS-0002 ed. 2.7.1, OneM2M, 2016.
18 OneM2M, " Service Layer Core Protocol Specification", TS-0004 ed. 2.7.1, OneM2M, 2016.
19 OneM2M, "Management Enablement (OMA)", TS-0005 ed. 2.0.0, OneM2M, 2016
20 OneM2M, "Service Components", TS-0007 ed. 2.0.0, OneM2M, 2016.
21 OneM2M, "CoAP Protocol Binding", TS-0008 ed. 1.3.2, OneM2M, 2016.
22 OneM2M, "HTTP Protocol Binding", TS-0009 ed. 2.6.1, OneM2M, 2016.
23 OneM2M, "MQTT protocol Binding", TS-0010 ed. 2.4.1, OneM2M, 2016.
24 OneM2M Partners Type 1, "Interoperability Testing", TS-0013 ed. 1.0.0, OneM2M, 2016
25 OneM2M Partners Type 1, "LWM2M Interworking", TS-0014 ed. 2.0.0, OneM2M, 2016.
26 OneM2M, "WebSocket Protocol Binding", TS-0020 ed. 2.0.0, OneM2M, 2016.
27 R. Shirey,"Internet Security Glossary, Version 2", RFC 4949, IETF, 2007.
28 나윤종, 김영갑, "사물인터넷 보안 표준화 동향 분석", 2016년 정보처리학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 제23권, 제1호, pp.307-310, 2016.
30 I. Hwang, Y.-G. Kim, "Analysis of Security Standardization for the Internet of Things", In Proc. of 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service, Busan, Korea, IEEE Press, Feb. 13 - 15, 2017
31 국가기술표준원, "표준의 정의",
32 H. Kim, D. Kim, "IoT Technologies and security", Review of KIISC, Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 7-13, 2012.
33 M. Hossain, M. Fotouhi, R. Hasan, "Towards an Analysis of Security Issues, Challenges, and Open Problems in the Internet of Things", IEEE World Congress on Services, New York, USA, pp. 21-28, 2015.
34 V. Gazis, "A Survey of Standards for Machine to Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT)" IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2016.
35 한국정보통신기술협회(TTA), "표준화의 개요",
36 ITU-T,
38 송재승, "IEEE의 사물인터넷 기술표준 및 글로벌 협력", TTA저널, pp.36-40, 2016
39 IEEE Internet of Things,
40 IEEE P2143,
41 사물인터넷포럼,
42 IETF,
43 OneM2M,
44 OGC,
45 Allseen Alliance,
46 OIF,
47 ITU-T, "Common requirements for Internet of things (IoT) applications", F.748.0, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2014.
48 ETSI,
49 ITU-T, "OID-based resolution framework for heterogeneous identifiers and locators", X.675, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2015.
50 ITU-T, "Security requirements and framework of ubiquitous networking", X.1314, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2014.
51 ITU-T, "Overview of the Internet of things", Y.2060, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2012.
52 ITU-T, "Framework of the web of things", Y.2063, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2012.
53 ITU-T, "Common requirements of the Internet of things", Y.2066, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2014.
54 ITU-T, "Common requirements and capabilities of a gateway for Internet of things applications", Y.2067, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2014.
55 ITU-T, "Functional framework and capabilities of the Internet of things", Y.2068, ed. 1.0, ITU-T, 2015.