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http://www.autoidcenter.org:The Networked Physical World - Propo-sals for Engineering The Next Generation of Computing, Commerce & Automatic Identification, by Sanjay Sarma, David L. Brock, Kevin Ashton The Electronic Product Code (EPC) A Naming Scheme For Physical Objects by David L. Brock The Physical Markup Language by David L. Brock. Timothy P. Milne, Yun Y. Kang, Brendon Lew Savant Guide by Amit GoyalTowards the 5 Tag by Sanjay Sarma
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IBM의 AutoID 센터 기술보고서:- Focus on the Supply Chain: ApplyingAuto-ID within the Distribution CenterKeith Alexander by Tig Gilliam, KathrynGramHng, Mike Kindy, DhavaIMoogimane, Mike Schultz, MauriceFocus on Retail: Applying Auto-ID toImprove Product Availability at theRetail by ShelfKeith AIexander, GarryBirkhofer, Kathryn Gramling, HerbKleinberger, Stephen Leng, DhavalMoogimane, Maurice WoodsApplying Auto-ID to Reduce LossesAssociated with Shrink by KeithAlexander, Tig Gilliam, Kathy Gramling.Chris Grubelic, Herb Kleinberger,Stephen Leng, Dhaval Moogimane, ChrisSheedy Applying Auto-ID to Reduce LossesAssociated with Product Obsolescenseby Keith Alexander, Tig Gilliam, KathyGramling, Chris Grubelic, Herb Klein-berger, Stephen Leng, Dhaval Moogi-mane, Chris Sheedy Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대頥?⨀ ᕖࠄ Ā䐀Ā 㢤ﺿ缀 뺟ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대&?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ȁ ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대栦?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ȁ ತﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대퀦?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ā તﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 댐㠧?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ȁ ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 餂 돀倘?⨀ 塨?⨀ ၥ잖⨀ 렪?⨀ 椀 대 ᕖࠄ 䐀Ѐ ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대〨?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ā ?ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대頨?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ȁ ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대)?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ѐ 삟ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 대栩?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ѐ 쒟ﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 椀 댐퀩?⨀ ᕖࠄ 䐀Ѐ ﲣﺿ缀 Ā 삟?⨀ Ā 삟?⨀ 奈 돀倘?⨀ 塨?⨀ ၥ잖⨀ 䠺?⨀ 턌 댐 䡑ࠄ 沠 ̀ 倀 ?⨀ Ȁ ᘀ Ā ?⨀ ゠烈 Ā 倀 倪?⨀ Ȁ ᘀ Ā 㠫?⨀ 렮䒯 Ȁ 倀 ?⨀ Ȁ ᘀ Ā 逫?⨀