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Ad Hoc 네트워크 기술  

김상하 (충남대학교)
박준희 (한국전자통신연구원)
신재욱 (한국전자통신연구원)
김재호 (한국전자통신연구원)
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1 C.E.Perkins and E.M.Royer, 'A On Demand Distance Vector Routing. of 2$2_{nd}$ IEE Workshop on Mobile Comp Systems and Applications, Feb. 1999
2 Y.B. Ko and N.H.Vaidya, 'Location Routing(LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Netw Proc. of the 4th Annual Int'l Confere Mobile Computing and Netwo(M0BICOM'98), Oct. 1998
3 W.H.Liao. Y.C.Tseng, and J.P. 'GRID: A Fully Location Aware Ro Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
4 S. Singh and C.S.Raghavendra, 'PA Power Aware Multi Access Protocol Signaling for Ad hoc Networks,' in Computer Communications Review. Ju
5 M. Naghshineh, 'Editor's Note,' IEEE P Communications. Feb., 2001
6 V.D.Park and M.S.Corson, 'A Highly Ad Distributed Routing Algorithm for M Wireless Networks,' Proc. of INFOCOM Apr. 1997
7 C.E.Perkins and P.Bhagwat, 'Highly D Destination sequenced Distance Routing(DSDV) for Mobile Computers,'Commun. Rev., Oct. 1994, pp.234-44
8 Z.J.Haas and J.Deng, 'Dual Busy Multiple Access(DBTMA) Perform Results,' Proc. of IEEE Wir Communications and Netwo Conference(WCNC). Sep. 1999
9 C.-C.Chiang, H.-K.Wu, W.Liu, and 'Routing in Clustered Multihop Wireless Networks with Fading Cha Proc. of IEEE SICON '96, Apr. 199 197-211
10 'IEEE 802.11 Local and Metropolita Networks: Wireless LAN Medium A Control (MAC) and Physical (Specifications.' ISO/IEC 8802- 11:1999
11 A.S.Tannenbaum, Computer Networks Ch.5 The Network Layer, pp.339~478, Hall, 1996
12 C.K.Toh, V.Vassiliou, G.Guichal C.H.Shih. 'MARCH: A Medium A Control Protocol for Multihop Wirele Hoc Networks,' Proc. of IEEE Mi Communications. Oct. 2000
13 C.K.Toh, 'A Novel Distributed R Protocol To Support Ad Hoc Mobile Computing,' Proc. of 1996 IEEE 15th Annual Int'l. Phoenix Conf. Comp. And Commun., Mar. 1996. pp. 480-86
14 M.Joa Ng and I-T.Lu, 'A peer to zone based two level link state routi mobile ad hoc networks,' IEEE Jour Selected Areas in Communications, Au
15 C.K.Toh, 'Maximum Battery Life Routing to Support Ubiquitous Mobile Computing in Wireless Ad Hoc Net works.' IEEE Communications, Jun 2001, pp.138-147
16 E.M.Royer and C.K.Toh. 'A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks,' IEEE Personal Communications, Apr. 1999
17 D. B. Johnson. 'Routing in Ad Hoc Ne of Mobile Hosts,' Proc. of the IEEE Wor on Mobile Computing Systems Applications, Dec. 1994
18 S. Murthy and J.J.Grac ia-Luna-Aceves, 'A Routing Protocol for Packet Radio Networks.' Proc. of ACM Mobile Computing and Networking, Nov. 1995
19 'Draft Standard for Part 15.3: W Medium Access Control and Physical Specifications for High Rate Wireless P Area Networks (WPAN),' D P802.15.3/D0.8, Nov. 2001
20 P. Kermani and N.H.Vaidya, 'Guest E Advances in Mobile Ad Hoc Network IEEE Personal Communications, Feb