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A Study on AI basic statistics Education for Non-majors  

Yoo, Jin-Ah (College of AI and Liberal Arts, Honam University)
Publication Information
Journal of Integrative Natural Science / v.14, no.4, 2021 , pp. 176-182 More about this Journal
We live in the age of artificial intelligence, and big data and artificial intelligence education are no longer just for majors, but are required to be able to handle non-majors as well. Software and artificial intelligence education for non-majors is not just a general education, it creates talents who can understand and utilize them, and the quality of education is increasingly important. Through such education, we can nurture creative talents who can create and use new values by fusion with various fields of computing technology. Since 2015, many universities have been implementing software-oriented colleges and AI-oriented colleges to foster software-oriented human resources. However, it is not easy to provide AI basic statistics education of big data analysis deception to non-majors. Therefore, we would like to present a big data education model for non-majors in big data analysis so that big data analysis can be directly applied.
AI education; Statistics; SW education; Liberal arts education; Non-major;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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