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Statistical Study on the Academic Achievement in Science of a Loneliness  

Ko, Young Chun (Graduate School of Education, Sehan University)
Publication Information
Journal of Integrative Natural Science / v.8, no.1, 2015 , pp. 56-59 More about this Journal
To explore effects on each friendship, family, romance, and community in sub-variables of loneliness on academic achievement in science for Y-middle school students, multiple regression analysis is carried out by stepwise method. As the results, I found the following facts. Academic achievement in science for the students was expressed by the following equation. Academic Achievement=48.765+4.012${\times}$[Family](t=2.082, p=.039)-3.957${\times}$[Romance](t=-3.147, p=.002)+5.281${\times}$[Community](t=2.965, p=.003). And each variable value of the explanatory power affecting academic achievement in science for the students is presented in order of community (12.0%), family (6.6%), and romance (6.3%). But the friendship variable is not significant in affecting academic achievement in science.
Science; Academic Achievement; Loneliness;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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