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Organizational Justice and Employee Behaviors: The Mediating Roles of Trust in CEO and Supervisor  

Cho, Eun-Hyun (Department of Industrial Psychology, Kwang Woon University)
Tak, Jin-Kook (Department of Industrial Psychology, Kwang Woon University)
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics / v.22, no.3, 2009 , pp. 463-477 More about this Journal
This study was intended to examine the mediating roles of trust in CEO and supervisor on the relationships between organizational justice and employee behaviors. Data were collected from 4,055 employees across 18 different companies in Korea. Employees were asked to answer on a self-reported questionnaire. The two dimensions of organizational justice (i.e. procedural justice and distributive justice) were used. Employee behaviors were measured using counter-productive behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Data were analyzed using a structural equation model. The hypothesized fully mediated model better fitted the data. Relative to distributive justice, procedural justice was more strongly related to both trust in CEO and trust in supervisor. But there were no significant differences in the degree of relationships between the two dimensions of trust and the two types of employee behaviors. These results showed that procedural justice is more important in enhancing trust in leader.
Organizational justice; procedural justice; distributive justice; trust; organizational citizenship behavior; counter-productive behavior;
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