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Multiple Testing in Genomic Sequences Using Hamming Distance  

Kang, Moonsu (Department of Information Statistics, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
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Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods / v.19, no.6, 2012 , pp. 899-904 More about this Journal
High-dimensional categorical data models with small sample sizes have not been used extensively in genomic sequences that involve count (or discrete) or purely qualitative responses. A basic task is to identify differentially expressed genes (or positions) among a number of genes. It requires an appropriate test statistics and a corresponding multiple testing procedure so that a multivariate analysis of variance should not be feasible. A family wise error rate(FWER) is not appropriate to test thousands of genes simultaneously in a multiple testing procedure. False discovery rate(FDR) is better than FWER in multiple testing problems. The data from the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic shows that a conventional FDR procedure and a proposed test statistic based on a pseudo-marginal approach with Hamming distance performs better.
Pseudo-marginal approach; false discovery rate; Hamming distance; genomic sequence;
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