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Process Alignment between MND-AF and ADDMe for Products Reusability  

Bu, Yong-Hee (11전투비행단 군수전대 정비관리실)
Lee, Tae-Gong (국방대학교 국방관리대학원)
Publication Information
Nowadays, most enterprises have introduced both EA methodology to optimize an entire enterprise and CBD methodology to improve a software reusability. The Korea Government not only have developed many EA guiding products such as EA framework, Reference Model, Guideline, etc. but also have instituted a law to optimize a government-wide enterprise. The Minister of National Defense(MND) have developed the MND-AF as a standard methodology for EA and the ADDMe as a standard methodology for CBD. But it is possible to develop products of WD-AF and ADDMe redundantly because the process of MND-AF and ADDMe is not quitely aligned. The purpose of this paper is to present a scheme that ADDMe can reuse the artifacts of MND-AF by analyzing the relationships between two processes. In order to identify the relationships between two processes, we first identify the relation of a 'definition' part of two processes and then identify the relation of an 'attribute' part based on the relation of a 'detailed definition' part. As a result we found that 113 attributes of MND-AF are related to 49 attributes of ADDMe. Therefore the proposed study will decrease the development cost and time and will be a good example for aligning the process of EA and CBD methodology.
Enterprise Optimization; Reusability; Process Alignment; Enterprise Architecture; MND-AF; ADDMe;
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  • Reference
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