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A review of numerical approach for dynamic response of strain gradient metal foam shells under constant velocity moving loads  

Fenjan, Raad M. (Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage)
Ahmed, Ridha A. (Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage)
Hamad, Luay Badr (Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage)
Faleh, Nadhim M. (Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering Collage)
Publication Information
Advances in Computational Design / v.5, no.4, 2020 , pp. 349-362 More about this Journal
Dynamic characteristics of a scale-dependent porous metal foam cylindrical shell under a traveling load have been explored within this article based on a numerical approach. Within the material texture of the metal foams, uniform and non-uniform porosities may be dispersed. Based upon differential quadrature method (DQM) and Laplace transforms, the equations of motion for a shear deformable scale-dependent shell may be solved numerically. Scale-dependent shell modeling has been provided based upon strain gradient elasticity. Solving the equations will give the shell deflection as a function of load speed. Also, it is reported that shell deflection relies on the porosity dispersion and strain gradient influences.
forced vibration; moving loads; metal foam; strain-gradient theory; DQM;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 44  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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