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Relationship Between Plant Viral Encoded Suppressor to Post-transcriptional Gene Silencing and Elicitor to R Gene-specific Host Resistance  

Park, Chang-Won (Department of Biology and Medicinal Science, Pai Chai University)
Feng Qu (School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska)
Tao Ren (School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska)
T. Jack Morris (School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska)
Publication Information
The Plant Pathology Journal / v.20, no.1, 2004 , pp. 22-29 More about this Journal
Many important horticultural and field crops are susceptible to virus infections or may possess a degree of resistance to some viruses, but become infected by others. Plant viruses enter cells through the presence of wounds, and replicate intracellularly small genomes that encode genes required for replication, cell-to-cell movement and encapsidation. There are numerous evidences from specific virus-host interactions to require the involvement of host factors and steps during viral replication cycle. However, viruses should deal with host defense responses either by general or specific mechanisms, targeting viral components or genome itself. On the other hand, the host plants have also adapted to defend themselves against viral attack by operating different lines of resistance responses. The defense-related interactions provide new insights into the complex molecular strategies for hosts for defense and counter-defense employed by viruses.
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