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Determination of Tiapride in Human Plasma Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry  

Moon, Ya (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Paek, In-Bok (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Kim, Hui-Hyun (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Ji, Hye-Young (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Lee, Hye-Won (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Park, Hyoung-Geun (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co., Ltd)
Lee, Hye-Suk (Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Laboratory, College of Pharmacy and Phytofermentation Research Center, Wonkwang University)
Publication Information
Archives of Pharmacal Research / v.27, no.9, 2004 , pp. 901-905 More about this Journal
A rapid, sensitive and selective hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric(HILIC-MS/MS) method for the determination of tiapride in human plasma was developed. Tiapride and internal standard, metoclopramide were extracted from human plasma with dichloromethane at basic pH and analyzed on an Atlantis HILIC silica column with the mobile phase of acetonitrile-ammonium formate (190 mM, pH 3.0) (94:6, v/v). The ana-Iytes were detected using an electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in the multi-ple-reaction-monitoring mode. The standard curve was linear (r=0.999) over the concentration range of 1.00-200 ng/mL. The coefficient of variation and relative error for intra- and inter-assay at three QC levels were 6.4∼8.8% and -2.0∼3.6%, respectively. The recoveries of tiapride ranged from 96.3 to 97.4%, with that of metoclopramide (internal standard) being 94.2%. The lower limit of quantification for tiapride was 1.00 ng/mL using 1 00 $\mu$L of plasma sample.
Tiapride; Human plasma; HILIC-MS/MS;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 9  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 10
연도 인용수 순위
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