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LB30057, an Orally Effective Direct Thrombin Inhibitor, Prevents Arterial and Venous Thrombosis in Rats and Dogs  

Park, Hee-Dong (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem.)
Kim, Hee-Jin (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem.)
Oh, Yeong-Soo (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem.)
Kim, In-Chull (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem)
Kim, Yong-Zu (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem.)
Koh, Hyun-Chul (Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Hanyang University)
Shin, In-Chul (Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Hanyang University)
Lee, Yong-Hee (LG Biotech Research Institute, LG Chem.)
Lee, Chang-Ho (Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Hanyang University)
Publication Information
Archives of Pharmacal Research / v.26, no.3, 2003 , pp. 224-231 More about this Journal
The anti-thrombotic effects of LB30057, a direct thrombin inhibitor, were evaluated with in vivo rat and dog thrombosis models. In rats, 1 mg/kg of LB30057 inhibited half of the clot formations in the inferior vena cava at 5 minutes after intravenous application. When measured at 2 hours after oral application, 100 mg/kg prevented approximately half of the clot formations in the inferior vena cava and 50 mg/kg prolonged the mean occlusion time from $15.6{\pm}1.3$ minutes to $47.2{\pm}8.3$ minutes in the carotid artery. In dogs, the formation of thrombus in the jugular vein was reduced to half at a dose range of 20-30 mg/kg at 6 hours after oral application. In addition, the LB30057 dosage required to reduce venous clot formation by approximately 80-90% in dogs was only about 10% of that required for the same reduction in rats. This is probably due to the variation in its time-dependent blood concentration profiles in each species; for example, the plasma half-life of LB71350 in dogs was longer than that in rats ($153.0{\pm}3.0$ vs. $129.7{\pm}12.7$ min at 30 mg/kg, i.v., respectively). AUG, $T_{max},{\;}G_{max}$, and BA in dogs were 59, 8.9, 9.17, and 13.3 times higher than those in rats at oral 30 mg/kg, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that LB30057 administered orally is effective in the prevention of arterial and venous thrombosis in rats and dogs. It therefore represents a good lead compound for investigations to discover a new, orally available, therapeutic agent for treating thrombotic diseases.
LB30057; Oral direct thrombin inhibitor; Anti-thrombotics; Arterial thrombosis; Venous thrombosis;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 2  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 1
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