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Interactions of Cationic Drugs and Cardiac Glycosides at the Hepatic Uptake Level: Studies in the Rat in Vivo, Isolated Perfused Rat Liver, Isolated Rat Hepatocytes and Oocytes Expressing oatp2  

Dirk K.F.Meijer (Department of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery, Groningen University Institute of Drug Exploration (GUIDE)Groningen, The Netherlands)
Jessica E.van Montfoort (Department of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery, Groningen University Institute of Drug Exploration (GUIDE)Groningen, The Netherlands)
Publication Information
Archives of Pharmacal Research / v.25, no.4, 2002 , pp. 397-415 More about this Journal
This paper deals with a crucial mechanism for interaction of basic drugs and cardiac glycosides at the hepatic uptake level. Available literature data is provided and new material is presented to picture the differential transport inhibition of bulky (type2) cationic drugs by a number of cardiac glycosides in rat liver. It is shown that the so called organic anion transporting peptide 2 (oatp2) is the likely interaction site: differential inhibition patterns as observed in oocytes expressing oatp2, could be clearly identified also in isolated rat hepatocytes, isolated perfused rat liver and the rat in vivo. The anticipation of transport interactions at the hepatic clearance level should be based on data on the relative affinities of interacting substrates for the transport systems involved along with knowledge on the pharmacokinetics of these agents as well as the chosen dose regimen in the studied species. This review highlights the importance of multispecific tranporter systems such as OATP, accommodating a broad spectrum of organic compounds of various charge, implying potential transport interactions that can affect body distribution and organ clearance.
Organic cations; Cardiac glycosides; Basic drugs; Hepatic Uptake; oatp2; Drug interactions; Oubain; K-Strophanthoside; Digitoxin; Rocuronium;
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Times Cited By Web Of Science : 4  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 4
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