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Transport Coefficients Across A Charged Mosaic Membrane III  

Lee, Jungwoon (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, Dongguk University)
Minho Kang (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, Dongguk University)
Song, Myung-Kwan (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, Dongguk University)
Wongkang Yang (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, Dongguk University)
Lee, Jang-Woo (Division Polymer Science and Chemical Engineering, Pusan University)
Publication Information
Korean Membrane Journal / v.5, no.1, 2003 , pp. 61-67 More about this Journal
Various characteristics of ion transport properties of a charged mosaic membrane with a parallel array of positive and negative functional charges were investigated, From the analysis of the volume flux, it was found that the salt flux based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics, preferential salt transport across the charged mosaic membrane. Transport properties of the magnesium sulfate(MgSO$_4$) and sucrose across the charged mosaic membrane were estimated. As a result, metal salts transport depended largely on the charged states and molecular weight otherwise nonelectrolyte solution was rejected under all experimental conditions. On the other hand, the reflection coefficient s indicated the negative value that suggested preferential material transport and was independent of charged mosaic thickness.
transport property; charged mosaic membrane; electrolyte solution; nonequilibrium thermodynamics;
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