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Rejection Properties of Silica Nanoparticles from Ultrafiltration Membranes  

Hiromitsu Takaba (Development of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Yoshiaki Ito (Development of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Nakao, Shin-ichi (Development of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Publication Information
Korean Membrane Journal / v.5, no.1, 2003 , pp. 54-60 More about this Journal
The rejection properties and flux rates of silica nanoparticles in ultrafiltration membranes has been investigated. Cross-flow permeation experiments were conducted using polycarbonate track-etch flat membranes with pore sizes of 30 and 50 nm, and a silica nanoparticle solute with particle sizes of 5 and 18 nm with narrow size distributions. The fluxes and rejection factors were investigated at various particle concentrations, cross-flow velocities, pH, and ionic strengths of solution. Even though the size of the silica nanoparticles was much smaller than that of the membrane pores, the observed rejection rates were very high compared with those for a similar-sized polymer (dextran). The observed rejection rate decreased with increasing ionic strength, which implies that the transport mechanism of the silica nanoparticles is significantly influenced by electrostatic repulsion between particles and membranes.
nanoparticle; ultrafiltration membrane; silica; rejection;
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