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Development of a 6-axis robot′s finger force/moment sensor for stable grasping of an unknown object  

Kim, Gab-Soon (RICIC, Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, Gyeongsang National University)
Publication Information
This paper describes the development of a 6-axis robot's finger force/moment sensor, which measures forces $F_x$(x-direction force), $F_y$and $F_z$, and moments $M_x$ (x-direction moment), $M_y$ and $M_z$ simultaneously, for stable grasping of an unknown object. In order to safely grasp an unknown object using the robot's gripper, the force in the gripping direction and the force in the gravity direction should be measured, and the force control should be performed using the measured forces. Also, the moments $M_x$, $M_y$ and $M_z$ to accurately perceive the position of the object in the grippers should be detected. Thus, the robot's gripper should be composed of 6-axis robot's finger force/moment sensor that can measure forces $F_x$, $F_y$ and $F_z$, and moments $M_x$ $M_y$ and $M_z$ simultaneously. In this paper, the 6-axis robot's finger force/moment sensor for measuring forces $F_x$, $F_y$ and $F_z$, and moments $M_x$ $M_y$ and $M_z$ simultaneously was newly modeled using several parallel-plate beams, designed, and fabricated. The characteristic test of the fabricated sensor was performed, and the result shows that interference errors of the developed sensor are less than 3%. Also, Robot's gripper with the 6-axis robot's finger force/moment sensor for the characteristic test of force control was manufactured, and the characteristic test for grasping an unknown object using the sensors was performed using it. The fabricated gripper could grasp an unknown object stably. Thus, the developed 6-axis robot's finger force/moment sensor can be used for robot's gripper.
Robot's gripper; 6-axis robot′s finger force/moment sensor; Parallel-plate beam; Rated strain; Interference error;
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