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Improvement of Contour Fringes by using Addition of Incremental Images  

Kang, Young-June (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Mechatronics Research Center)
Ryu, Weon-Jae (Graduate school, Department of Mechanical Design, Chonbuk National University)
Park, Sang-Kyu (Department of Automotive Engineering, Woosuk University)
Publication Information
Electronic speckle contouring(ESC) based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry is the optical method for measuring object shape by using fringe-projection techniques. This method has the advantages of being non-contact, non-destructive and a whole-field measurement of the surface under investigation. Fringes in ESC represent the difference in depth along the view direction between the master wavefront and the test component. The contour maps of three-dimensional diffuse objects can be obtained by small shifts of optical fiber carrying the dual-object-beams and 4-frame phase shifting. In this study we proposed the contouring method by shifting the collimated illumination beams through optical fiber in order to obtain the contour fringe patterns. And also, we performed the addition of incremental images through the geometrical analysis to obtain the contour fringe interval when we performed the incremental addition of images and experiments based on this method. We obtained both quantitative increment without decorrelation effect and qualitative improvement by reducing the noise of contour fringes.
Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry; Phase Shifting; Geometric Analysis; Electronic Speckle Contouring; Incremental Addition Image Method;
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  • Reference
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