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A Hierarchical deep model for food classification from photographs  

Yang, Heekyung (Dept. of Computer Science, Graduate School, Sangmyung Univ.)
Kang, Sungyong (Dept. of Computer Science, Sangmyung Univ.)
Park, Chanung (Dept. of Computer Science, Sangmyung Univ.)
Lee, JeongWook (Dept. of Computer Science, Sangmyung Univ.)
Yu, Kyungmin (Dept. of Computer Science, Sangmyung Univ.)
Min, Kyungha (Dept. of Computer Science, Sangmyung Univ.)
Publication Information
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) / v.14, no.4, 2020 , pp. 1704-1720 More about this Journal
Recognizing food from photographs presents many applications for machine learning, computer vision and dietetics, etc. Recent progress of deep learning techniques accelerates the recognition of food in a great scale. We build a hierarchical structure composed of deep CNN to recognize and classify food from photographs. We build a dataset for Korean food of 18 classes, which are further categorized in 4 major classes. Our hierarchical recognizer classifies foods into four major classes in the first step. Each food in the major classes is further classified into the exact class in the second step. We employ DenseNet structure for the baseline of our recognizer. The hierarchical structure provides higher accuracy and F1 score than those from the single-structured recognizer.
CNN; DenseNet; classification; food; dietetics;
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