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Comparing Nanotechnology Web Portal Requirements Using a Kano Method  

Bae, Seounghun (National Nanotechnology Policy Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Kim, Junhyun (National Nanotechnology Policy Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Kim, JaeSin (National Nanotechnology Policy Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Kim, Myung Shin (Institute of Public Affairs, Yonsei University)
Ju, Yonghwan (Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute)
Seo, Seung Hyun (Department of Public Administration, Kwangwoon University)
Han, In-Kyu (Department of Public Administration, Kwangwoon University)
Choi, Younghoon (Department of Public Administration, Kwangwoon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice / v.5, no.2, 2017 , pp. 17-32 More about this Journal
We compared nanotechnology web portal requirements using a Kano method, to identify similarities and dissimilarities in Kano-categorizations of features and functions required of nanotechnology among users in universities, government research institutes, and industry. Based upon data obtained from 130 user members of the National Nanotechnology Policy Centre, this study analyzed assessed asymmetries in web users' feelings based on hypothesized provision and non-provision of web portal requirements. In doing this, this study utilized measures and procedures suggested in the literature such as the most frequent-response categorization, customer satisfaction (dissatisfaction) coefficient, category strength and total strength, and Fong test. This study found that overall, sectors were an important factor in explaining the relationships between web portal requirements and user satisfaction/expectations. When these requirements were classified, users' perceptions of information contents requirements were consistent across the sectors, but the other functional requirements including communication and collaborations considerably varied.
nanotechnology information; web portals; KANO model; government-industry-university;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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