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A Study on the 3D Contents Production Technology of Taepyungmu  

Gu, Ja-bong (Department of Religious Culture Studies, Jungwon University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology / v.5, no.1, 2017 , pp. 40-50 More about this Journal
Taepyungmu is a performing art that can be called the most skillful dance among Korean dances. It expresses the meaning of honoring the peace and peacefulness of the country in dance. The construction of 3D stereoscopic digital contents for Taepyungmu is in a series of processes such as 3D recording of intangible cultural properties and implementation of hologram contents. The purpose is to try various possibilities through various technologies and methods, to establish a technical basis of the preservation paradigm change of intangible cultural properties and to present a leading direction to realize real digital cultural properties.
Taepyungmu; 3D content construction; 3D shooting technology; hologram; 3D editing technology;
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  • Reference
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