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More than popularity matters: How would voters like to get social networking with candidates?  

Chang, Shao-Liang (Business Administration, Asia University)
Chen, Chi-Ying (Information Communication, Asia University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology / v.3, no.2, 2015 , pp. 50-57 More about this Journal
An online survey was conducted to assess motivations for using, reliance on, and perceived credibility of political blogs and microblogs during both the Taiwanese general election of 2009 (the blog epoch) and the presidential elections of 2012 (the microblog epoch). Results indicated higher reliance on and motivation for using political blogs than microblogs. Blogs were also perceived to be more credible than microblogs. Respondents who primarily engaged in blogging for information purposes were more likely to judge candidate blogs as highly credible, whereas interest in entertainment emerged as the strongest predictor of the perceived credibility of microblogs. This research also provided quantitative evidence showing how users viewed blogs and microblogs differently in the context of political campaigns. The aim is to explore the pros and cons of blogging and microblogging as a tool for political communication.
political communication; social media; motivation; credibility;
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