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Understanding Technology-Enhanced Construction Project Delivery: perspective from expansive learning and adaptive expertise  

Sackey, Enoch (Project Commercial Management, MaitlandQS)
Kwadzo, Dzifa A.M. (CC&M Partnership)
Publication Information
Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management / v.7, no.3, 2017 , pp. 26-38 More about this Journal
The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is yet to formulate a holistic strategy to realign the evolving technological infrastructures with organisational ambitions and adaptive knowledge of the workforce. This study attempts to create an understanding of the underlying processes adopted by technology-enhanced construction organisations to disseminate and maintain knowledge within the workforce in order to keep pace with the evolving construction technologies. The study adopted expansive learning and adaptive expertise constructs to help better explain workplace learning support structures for organisational effectiveness in a turbulent situation. The two theories were tailored to empirically evaluate three case study construction organisations that have embarked on technology-enabled organisational changes. The study concluded on the creation of a facilitating workplace learning environment to enable the workforce to adapt into and resolve any inherent contradictions and cognitive ambiguities of the changing organisational conditions. This could ensure that novel and conflicting features of the emerging technologies can be adapted across the myriad multi-functional project activities in order to expand the frontiers of the technological capabilities to address the eminent issues confronting the AEC sector.
Construction organisations; disruptive technologies; knowledge management; expansive learning; adaptive expertise; case studies;
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