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Application of Parameters-Free Adaptive Clonal Selection in Optimization of Construction Site Utilization Planning  

Wang, Xi (University of Kentucky)
Deshpande, Abhijeet S. (University of Cincinnati)
Dadi, Gabriel B. (University of Kentucky)
Publication Information
Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management / v.7, no.2, 2017 , pp. 1-10 More about this Journal
The Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) is an algorithm inspired by the human immune system mechanism. In CSA, several parameters needs to be optimized by large amount of sensitivity analysis for the optimal results. They limit the accuracy of the results due to the uncertainty and subjectivity. Adaptive Clonal Selection (ACS), a modified version of CSA, is developed as an algorithm without controls by pre-defined parameters in terms of selection process and mutation strength. In this paper, we discuss the ACS in detail and present its implementation in construction site utilization planning (CSUP). When applied to a developed model published in research literature, it proves that the ACS are capable of searching the optimal layout of temporary facilities on construction site based on the result of objective function, especially when the parameterization process is considered. Although the ACS still needs some improvements, obtaining a promising result when working on a same case study computed by Genetic Algorithm and Electimze algorithm prove its potential in solving more complex construction optimization problems in the future.
CSUP; Optimization; Clonal Selection Algorithm; Adaptive Clonal Selection;
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