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Differential Privacy in Practice  

Nguyen, Hiep H. (Division of IT Convergence Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH))
Kim, Jong (Division of IT Convergence Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH))
Kim, Yoonho (Division of Computer Science, Sangmyung University)
Publication Information
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering / v.7, no.3, 2013 , pp. 177-186 More about this Journal
We briefly review the problem of statistical disclosure control under differential privacy model, which entails a formal and ad omnia privacy guarantee separating the utility of the database and the risk due to individual participation. It has born fruitful results over the past ten years, both in theoretical connections to other fields and in practical applications to real-life datasets. Promises of differential privacy help to relieve concerns of privacy loss, which hinder the release of community-valuable data. This paper covers main ideas behind differential privacy, its interactive versus non-interactive settings, perturbation mechanisms, and typical applications found in recent research.
Differential privacy; Protection mechanisms; Attacks;
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  • Reference
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