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Enhanced oxidative stability of meat by including tannin-rich leaves of woody plants in goat diet  

Garcia, Elisa Mariana (Laboratory of Antioxidants and Oxidative Processes, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agroindustries, National University of Santiago del Estero)
Lopez, Agustin (Laboratory of Forages and Animal Nutrition, Experimental Agropecuary Station, National Institute of Agricultural Technology)
Zimerman, Maria (Semi-arid Chaco Animal Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, National Institute of Agricultural Technology)
Hernandez, Olegario (Laboratory of Forages and Animal Nutrition, Experimental Agropecuary Station, National Institute of Agricultural Technology)
Arroquy, Jose Ignacio (National Scientific and Technical Research Council-Argentina)
Nazareno, Monica Azucena (Laboratory of Antioxidants and Oxidative Processes, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agroindustries, National University of Santiago del Estero)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.32, no.9, 2019 , pp. 1439-1447 More about this Journal
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary incorporation of tanninrich woody species on meat oxidative stability, carcass traits and meat quality in goats. Methods: Two tannin-rich species were tested using a three-treatments feeding trial, where treatments consisted of: Larrea divaricata and Acacia aroma both at 12.5% in dry matter basis of the diet and a control diet (alfalfa hay). All feeding diets were iso-protein and iso-energy. Carcass conformation, carcass compactness, carcass fatness and subcutaneous fat deposition were evaluated. Intake, liveweigh, Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscles of goats were analyzed in order to evaluate quality parameters such as pH value, instrumental color evaluation, water holding capacity, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, meat oxidative stability and fatty acid profiles in meat. Results: Feed intake, liveweight gain, carcass, and meat traits did not differ among treatments. Changes in meat lipid profile among treatments were observed for oleic and elaidic acid contents. Meat total phenolic content and antioxidant activity did not differ among treatments; although, meat oxidative status after storage at room temperature, as well as under refrigerated and frozen conditions were different between control and both supplemented groups. Conclusion: The inclusion of Acacia aroma and Larrea divaricata leaves in goat diet enhanced meat oxidative stability. Modulation of the ruminal biohydrogenation of fatty acids produced by condensed tannins of these plant species need to be further investigated.
Meat Quality; Meat Oxidation; Larrea Divaricata; Acacia Aroma; Phytochemicals; Bioactive Compounds;
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