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Genetic parameter estimation for milk β-hydroxybutyrate and acetone in early lactation and its association with fat to protein ratio and energy balance in Korean Holstein cattle  

Ranaraja, Umanthi (Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University)
Cho, KwangHyun (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA)
Park, MiNa (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA)
Kim, SiDong (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA)
Lee, SeokHyun (Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University)
Do, ChangHee (Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.31, no.6, 2018 , pp. 798-803 More about this Journal
Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for milk ${\beta}$-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), acetone (Ac), fat protein ratio (FPR), and energy balance (EB) using milk test day records and investigate the effect of early lactation FPR and EB on milk ketone body concentrations. Methods: Total 262,940 test-day records collected from Korea Animal Improvement Association during the period of 2012 to 2016 were used in this study. BHBA and Ac concentrations in milk were measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). FPR values were obtained using test day records of fat and protein percentage. EB was calculated using previously developed equation based on parity, lactation week, and milk composition data. Genetic parameters were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood procedure based on repeatability model using Wombat program. Results: Elevated milk BHBA and Ac concentrations were observed during the early lactation under the negative energy balance. Milk FPR tends to decrease with the decreasing ketone body concentrations. Heritability estimates for milk BHBA, Ac, EB, and FPR ranged from 0.09 to 0.14, 0.23 to 0.31, 0.19 to 0.52, and 0.16 to 0.42 respectively at parity 1, 2, 3, and 4. The overall heritability for BHBA, Ac, EB and FPR were 0.29, 0.32, 0.58, and 0.38 respectively. A common pattern was observed in heritability of EB and FPR along with parities. Conclusion: FPR and EB can be suggested as potential predictors for risk of hyperketonemia. The heritability estimates of milk BHBA, Ac, EB, and FPR indicate that the selective breeding may contribute to maintaining the milk ketone bodies at optimum level during early lactation.
Energy Balance; Fat Protein Ratio; Heritability; Repeatability Model; Genetic Parameters;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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