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Animal Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Bulls (1/2 Purunã vs 1/2 Canchim) Slaughtered at 16 and 22 Months Old, and Three Different Weights  

Prado, Ivanor Nunes Do (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Eiras, Carlos Emanuel (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Fugita, Carlos Alberto (Departament of Agriculture, Goiano Federal Institute)
Passetti, Rodrigo Augusto Cortez (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Ornaghi, Mariana Garcia (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Rivaroli, Dayane Cristina (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Pinto, Adriana Aparecida (Department of Veterinary Medicine, State University of Maringa)
Moletta, Jose Luiz (Department of Animal Science, Agronomic Institute of Parana)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.28, no.5, 2015 , pp. 612-619 More about this Journal
Current study aimed to evaluate the performance of bulls (1/2 Purun$\tilde{a}$ vs 1/2 Canchim) slaughtered at two ages and three different weights. One hundred and thirteen bulls were divided into two slaughter ages (16 and 22 months) and three different slaughter weights (light, 422 kg; medium, 470 kg; and heavy, 550 kg). The body weight was higher for bulls slaughtered at 16 months. Daily gain, carcass weight and dressing were higher for bulls slaughtered at 16 months. Feed intake was higher for bulls slaughtered at 22 months although feed efficiency was better for bulls slaughtered at 16 months. Carcass characteristics were better for bulls slaughtered at 16 months. The percentages of muscle, fat and bone and meat characteristics were similar between two slaughter ages. Feed intake and animal performance was lower for lighter animals. Feed conversion and carcass dressing were similar in the three slaughter weights. Muscle percentage was higher for heavier animals but fat and bone percentages were lower. Slaughter weight had no effect on meat characteristics.
Crossbreeding; Feedlot; Feed Intake; Slaughter Age;
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  • Reference
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