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Dietary Carob Pods on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Fattening Pigs  

Kotrotsios, Nikolaos (Diakou 15)
Christaki, Efterpi (Laboratory of Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Bonos, Eleftherios (Animal Production, Faculty of Technology of Agronomics, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia)
Paneri, Panagiota Florou (Laboratory of Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
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Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.25, no.6, 2012 , pp. 880-885 More about this Journal
In this experiment the effect of dietary carob pods in the growth performance of fattening pigs and their meat quality, including steak chemical composition and fatty acid profile, were examined. A total of 160 weaning piglets, 30 days old, were allocated into four equal groups with 4 subgroups of 5 female and 5 males each. The animals were fed with isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets, containing either 0 or 75 or 100 or 125 g of carob pods per kg of feed. At the end of the experiment, on the 180 day of age, carcass subcutaneous fat thickness, steak chemical composition and steak fatty acid profile were determined. The results of the experiment showed that the dietary addition of 75 or 100 g/kg carob pods increased body weight at slaughter and carcass weight. No significant effect was noticed on the other examined carcass parameters. Consequently, carob pods could be suggested as a potential feed for fattening pigs without any adverse effect on their meat quality.
Carob Pods; Pigs; Meat Quality; Carcass Composition; Fatty Acids;
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