Effect of Lysine to Digestible Energy Ratio on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Pigs |
Cho, S.B.
(National Institute of Animal Science, RDA)
Han, In-K. (Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology, Seoul National University) Kim, Y.Y. (Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology, Seoul National University) Park, S.K. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) Hwang, O.H. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) Choi, C.W. (Department of Animal Resrouces, Daegu University) Yang, S.H. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) Park, K.H. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) Choi, D.Y. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) Yoo, Y.H. (National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) |
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