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Effect of Dietary Grape Pomace Fermented by Saccharomyces boulardii on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs  

Yan, L. (Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University)
Kim, I.H. (Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.24, no.12, 2011 , pp. 1763-1770 More about this Journal
Fifty-six [(Duroc${\times}$Yorkshire)${\times}$Landrace] pigs with an average initial BW of 19.3${\pm}$0.17 kg were used in this 15-wk growth experiment to investigate the effects of grape pomace fermented by Saccharomyces boulardii on pig growth performance, nutrient digestibility and quality attributes of pork. Pigs were allotted to 2 dietary treatments (7 replications) based on their initial BW in a randomized complete block design. The experimental treatments were: i) control (CON; basal diet), ii) FGPP (CON+30 g/kg fermented grape pomace product). Dietary FGPP improved (p<0.05) average daily gain (ADG), coefficient apparent total tract digestibility (CATTD) of dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) during 35-70 d of the experiment. Similarly, pigs fed the FGPP supplemented diet had a higher N digestibility (p<0.05) in the finisher phase (day 71-105). Dietary FGPP increased (p<0.05) the marbling score, the redness ($a^*$) and yellowness ($b^*$) values, as well as the anti-oxidative ability (lower TBARS). The inclusion of FGPP reduced palmitic acid (C:16:0), stearic acid (C:18:0), arachidic acid (C:20:0) and SFA levels (p<0.05) in subcutaneous fat. An increased (p<0.05) linoleic acid (C18:2n6), total PUFA and PUFA/SFA ratio were observed in the FGPP group. Dietary FGPP supplementation decreased the arachidic acid (C:20:0) level in longissimus muscle (LM). In conclusion, dietary inclusion of FGPP at the level of 30 g/kg improved the growth performance, nutrients digestibility and altered the fatty acid pattern in the subcutaneous fat as well as some attributes of pork meat.
Grape Pomace; Growth Performance; Meat Quality; Pig;
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