Intake, Digestibility In vivo, N Utilization and In sacco Dry Matter Degradability of Grass Silage Harvested at Three Stages of Maturity |
Vranic, Marina
(Department of Crop, Forage and Grassland Production, Centre of Grassland Production Agricultural Faculty University of Zagreb)
Knezevic, Mladen (Department of Crop, Forage and Grassland Production, Centre of Grassland Production Agricultural Faculty University of Zagreb) Perculija, Goran (Department of Crop, Forage and Grassland Production, Centre of Grassland Production Agricultural Faculty University of Zagreb) Bosnjak, Kresimir (Department of Crop, Forage and Grassland Production, Centre of Grassland Production Agricultural Faculty University of Zagreb) Leto, Josip (Department of Crop, Forage and Grassland Production, Centre of Grassland Production Agricultural Faculty University of Zagreb) |
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