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Effects of Supplementary Threonine, Canola Oil or Enzyme on Nutrient Digestibility, Performance and Carcass Traits of Growing-finishing Pigs Fed Diets Containing Wheat Distillers Grains with Solubles  

Thacker, P.A. (Department of Animal Science, University of Saskatchewan)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.22, no.12, 2009 , pp. 1676-1685 More about this Journal
This trial was conducted to determine the effects of various feed additives on nutrient digestibility, performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs fed diets containing wheat distiller' grains with solubles (WDGS). Seventy-two, individually fed pigs (19.7${\pm}$2.6 kg), were assigned to one of six dietary treatments in a 6${\times}$2 (treatment${\times}$sex) factorial design (N = 12). The control diet was based on wheat and soybean meal while the five experimental diets contained 20% WDGS during the growing period and 12% WDGS during the finishing period. One 20% WDGS diet was unsupplemented while the remaining diets were supplemented with either 0.1% threonine, 5% canola oil, 0.2% enzyme (0.1% Endofeed W containing 1,250 units/g of xylanase and 385 units/g of $\beta$-glucanase and 0.1% Vegpro containing 7,700 HUT/g protease and 75 CMC/g cellulase), or a combination of the three additives at the same levels as those fed separately. The digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and energy were all significantly higher in the control diet than the unsupplemented diet containing 20% WDGS. None of the feed additives improved nutrient digestibility. In addition, none of the additives had any significant effect on gain or feed intake during the growing (19.7 to 43.6) or finishing (43.6 to 114.3 kg) periods or overall (19.7 to 114.3 kg). During the growing period, feed conversion was significantly improved for pigs fed the combination of additives compared with the unsupplemented WDGS diet. During the finishing period and overall, feed conversion was significantly improved for pigs fed 5% canola oil alone or in combination with the other additives. None of the supplements had any effect on carcass traits. These results indicate that WDGS can be successfully used as a partial replacement for soybean meal in diets fed to growingfinishing pigs. However, due to its low energy content, there may be some merit in including high energy ingredients such as canola oil when diets containing WDGS are fed.
Pigs; Digestibility; Performance; Carcass; Wheat Distillers Grains with Solubles;
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Times Cited By SCOPUS : 1
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